
Whenever we huve more free time, our classrnutes will be busy recommending part-time jobs to one another

Whenever we huve more free time, our classrnutes will be busy recommending part-time jobs to one another.When we pass by the bulletin board on the campus, replica watcheswe often catch sight of some want ads attached to it. It is obvious that holding part-time jobs has become a growing tendency among university students. More and more students would like to work after class and their chances of getting a job are becoming abundant.There are always two sides to a questionghd. Part-time jobs are no exceptions. They have either the pro side or the con side. On the one hand, part-time jobs not only enable students to cultivate their abilities, but also help them apply their knowledge to practice. Furthermore, students who have part-time jobs can relieve, to some extent, the economic burdens of their parents. However, on the other hand, after-class work may distract the students' attention from their studies. Some students who have secured part-time jobs have already shown a declinewatches in their studies.I don't want to argue on the feasibility of holding part-time jobs. But there is no doubt that as a student, great emphasis should be placed on his studies.uggs He should not allow his four years' time in the university to slip by for nothing. Instead, he must treasure his time and absorb as much knowledge as he can to lay a solid foundation for his future career

